Results 341 to 350 of 935
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* Indicates "special order" plant

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Pink Diamonds Fern-leaved Bleeding Heart
Dicentra 'Pink Diamonds'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  12 inches
Flower Height:  16 inches
Spacing:  16 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A compact mound of ferny, blue-green foliage, beneath delicate, dangling heart-shaped two-toned pink flowers with white tips,on...

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Sulphur Hearts Bleeding Heart
Dicentra 'Sulphur Hearts'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  15 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Impressive clusters of unusual yellow, heart shaped flowers with purple tips cover this vigorous, bushy upright plant with...

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White Diamonds Fern-leaved Bleeding Heart *
Dicentra 'White Diamonds'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  12 inches
Flower Height:  16 inches
Spacing:  16 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A compact mound of ferny, blue-green foliage, beneath delicate, dangling heart-shaped white flowers, on gracefully arching stems,...

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White Gas Plant
Dictamnus albus

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  24 inches
Flower Height:  3 feet
Spacing:  24 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Bushy upright mounded variety with aromatic glossy green leaves, smelling like citrus when bruised, and tall spikes of white...

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Yellow Foxglove
Digitalis grandiflora

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  24 inches
Flower Height:  3 feet
Spacing:  15 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A beautiful, easy to grow selection featuring tall showy spikes of soft, creamy yellow bell-shaped flowers with brown spotted...

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Candy Mountain Foxglove
Digitalis purpurea 'Candy Mountain'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  3 feet
Flower Height:  4 feet
Spacing:  14 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Unique, upward facing flowers of violet-rose with white interiors and dark purple spots; tall spikes rise above attractive green...

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Foxy Foxglove
Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  12 inches
Flower Height:  3 feet
Spacing:  10 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Features elegant white, lilac and rose colored flowers with burgundy spots; tall spikes rise above attractive green lance-shaped...

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Aphrodite Shooting Star
Dodecatheon 'Aphrodite'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  18 inches
Flower Height:  24 inches
Spread:  12 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Amazing dark-pink and yellow flowers that resemble a shooting star or a rocket; the flower is larger than the species; great for...

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Leopard's Bane
Doronicum orientale

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  18 inches
Spread:  12 inches
Sunlight:  shade to full sun

From sun to shade, this variety features bright lemon yellow daisy-like flowers rising above mounded green toothed foliage;...

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Alpine Draba
Draba aizoides

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  4 inches
Spread:  8 inches
Sunlight:  full sun

This is an alpine plant that requires a well drained rock garden, gravel scree, or alpine trough for success; from a small tuft...


* Indicates "special order" plant